Le Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre / The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris / モンマルトル・サクレクール寺院
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Le Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre / The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris / モンマルトル・サクレクール寺院
Sacré-Coeur, Montmartre, Sérigraphie
Paris est situé au creux d’un bassin formé par la Seine. En serpentant dans cette plaine, le fleuve a formé les collines qui entourent la ville. Il n’y a pas de rue totalement plate : chaque rue penche toujours d’un côté ou d’un autre. Lorsque vous arrivez de l’Hôtel de Ville, montez sur la colline qui se dresse au nord. La colline de Montmartre culmine à 130 m. C’est sur cette hauteur qu’est construit le Sacré-Cœur, cette grande église blanche, haute de 83 m et dont le clocher atteint 94 m. Elle est ainsi visible de tout Paris. En 1870, après la défaite de la France lors de la guerre contre la Prusse, la guerre civile éclate entre les classes populaires et les riches. Connu sous le nom de «Commune de Paris», cet événement entraîne un massacre entre français. Suite à ce soulèvement, les Catholiques décident de construire, pour la paix et l’avenir, ce «Sacré Cœur» comme symbole de «la France en pénitence pour les péchés commis». L’Assemblée Nationale décide que ce doit être un projet national. Les travaux commencent en 1876 pour s’achever en 1914. A cause de la première guerre mondiale, la basilique est inaugurée en 1919 seulement. Quand je pense à toute cette histoire, je ne la vois plus simplement avec l’œil d’un touriste.
When you come to as far as City Hall, why not going up to the hill to the north? Paris lies in the ‘Paris Basin’ within which the Seine flows. The meandering of the river has shaped today’s Paris. Changes in the river flow carried sand into
the river, creating undulating land and hills around Paris. That is why there are not many flat streets in the city.The summit of Montmartre hill is 129.39 meters above the sea level. There is a white basilica near the top, 83 meters tall without the bell tower and 94 meters with it. It is so big that you can see it from the centre of Paris.It was the Catholics who determined to build this sacred basilica as a symbol of peace. It is also a symbol of the French people’s pledge for a better future after the tragic events of the Franco-Prussian war in 1870 followed by a massacre during the Paris Commune, in which French killed each other in a class struggle. The decision was taken by Paris’ assembly who approved that it should be a public project. Construction started in 1876 and was completed in 1914. It was officially dedicated in 1919 after the First World War. You would appreciate this basilica more and be deeply moved knowing its history.
the river, creating undulating land and hills around Paris. That is why there are not many flat streets in the city.The summit of Montmartre hill is 129.39 meters above the sea level. There is a white basilica near the top, 83 meters tall without the bell tower and 94 meters with it. It is so big that you can see it from the centre of Paris.It was the Catholics who determined to build this sacred basilica as a symbol of peace. It is also a symbol of the French people’s pledge for a better future after the tragic events of the Franco-Prussian war in 1870 followed by a massacre during the Paris Commune, in which French killed each other in a class struggle. The decision was taken by Paris’ assembly who approved that it should be a public project. Construction started in 1876 and was completed in 1914. It was officially dedicated in 1919 after the First World War. You would appreciate this basilica more and be deeply moved knowing its history.
市役所まで来たら、北にそびえる丘に登ろう。パリは盆地で、セーヌ河が蛇行し、だんだんと流れを変え、砂を流し込んだり、えぐられて出来た地形だから、パリの周りは丘に囲まれ起伏があって、市内の通りを見ても水平な通りは無くて、たいがいどちらかに傾斜した道ばかりである。モンマルトルの丘の一番高い場所は、標高百二十九・三九メートルだが、その頂上に近い部分の上に八十三メートル、鐘楼は九十四メートルの、白い大教会堂の建物が立っているのだから、パリ中から見えて、目立つ。 一八七〇年の普仏戦争の敗北、一八七一年にはパリ・コンミューン(自治内乱)で、金持階級と貧困、庶民階級、フランス人同士の市民間のパリ大虐殺をへて、平和と未来を願い「フランスは悔い改める」と言うシンボルのために、カトリック信徒が「聖心寺院」を立てることを決めた。議会で公共事業となって、一八七六年から建て初めて、一九一四年に完成。第一次世界大戦を終わって、正式に一九一九年に献堂されたバジリック(大教会堂)である。そう思って見ると、全然に同じには見えない。
Kojiro Akagi (1934-2021)
13 novembre 1974 / 13 November 1974
Fonds de dotation Kojiro AKAGI
Sérigraphie, Atelier Del Arco, 180 tirages + 9 E.A. romain, sur papier Bristol 51 x 70 cm.
Kojiro Akagi (1934-2021), “Le Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre / The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris / モンマルトル・サクレクール寺院,” Kojiro Akagi - Fonds de dotation Kojiro AKAGI , accessed March 9, 2025, https://kojiroakagi.com/gallery/items/show/52.